Monday, January 18, 2010

Dataan's Strategy Idea

Okay, folks, I have mulled it over, and I think we may have been hasty to single out Julius Corple as our enemy.  I think the far bigger enemy is the Knights of Genetic Purity -- and here's why:

Even if Corple is bent on world domination or something [and please note that I everything I am suggesting herein is being raised WITHOUT my having re-read the history of Corple anytime recently -- I will do that soon] he is nevertheless a MUTANT.  All our other allies (e.g., the badders, the Aarikakra, the elders of Skinny Butt, the mice, etc.) are mutants as well.  The Knights, on the other hand, are anti-mutant.  So the most logical thing for us to do is to form a Coalition of Mutants --INCLUDING Julius Corple and his minions -- in order to fight off and destroy the KGP, who in addition to being anti-mutant are obviously quite powerful as well if they can completely demolish whole towns (e.g., Skinny Butt). 

In terms of a firm action plan in this direction, I suggest we contact Corple -- maybe using my computer abilities and /or the spider-bot or two I've already got planted in his complex -- and sell him on the threat the KGP present to all of us.  Let's become his friends.  We haven't really done anything too terrible against him yet, have we?  A few attempts, but nothing that has had a serious impact, right?

Let me know what you think of this.


  1. well i'm convinced no matter what happens my character will end up at 1 HP. In all seriousness though, since I missed most of the Corple stuff and havn't yet read up on the events all I can suggest is that we try to make a linear path for all our objectives. We need to get materials for our mechs and to fix the hovercraft, we need to stop the corple and the KGP, and finally we need to deal with the offspring of the alien thing we sent to another dimension. I think no matter which of the two (corple or KGP) we go after, we should be able to obtain materials in the process.

  2. I really have no idea how we should deal with the alien creatures at the moment because it seems they're much too powerful for us to kill(in numbers). My only suggestion is something James would suggest(and has), nuke em.

  3. I have to refrain from giving away too much. All I can say is that I can hardly wait to see you guys put some more pieces of the puzzle together and figure out what the fuck Corple has been up to...

    I hope you guys continue to use this blog as a place to discuss strategy and other things Mutant Future, it is cool to sit back and watch it happen!

  4. So after reading about Corple and the fact that he was connected to an alien brain for hundreds of years he either wants to destory them or he is an extension of the alien brain. I believe Corple is working towards the alien goal(hundreds of years is easily enough time to break someone and make them think what you want). If you consider that the alien computer "used its incredible mental powers to seize control of the men stationed in the main security control chamber" and how Corple has extremely devoted servants to go fetch powerful mutants. Theres also the fact that the most recent powerful fucked up mutant we had to fight apparently had lots of kids and they were sealed up in sacs on the top floor of the complex feeding on organic tissue and how umbilical cord like objects were connected to Corple(I assume feeding him since a human body needs some amount of substance even to exist in a coma). The issue that bothers me is that if Corple is working toward the alien goal then he could possibly have wormhole technology(since the organic brain had it presumably without the mutantion) or have knowledge of how it was created. If the powerful mutant we sent to another dimension was created by or working with Corple and Corple is working towards whatever goal the aliens had in mind then its possible that the mutant we sent away might be back, because if Corple is working for the aliens then I'd assume his first goal is to recontact the alien homeworld.

  5. Sorry for the bad sentence structure haha, but something to add, the organic brain was highly intelligent so I'm sure it was planning on using Corple as a pawn just like the security men. Also he was a scientist, a scientist who was feeling intense shame, either artificial produced by the alien brain or real because he fucked bad(I know he made the computer but I think there is more to it).

  6. Sorry I can't seem to find the edit comment button but a final thought, if he wants to reopen the portal and he doesn't have the ability to right now then he will be coming for Roc or DuPont(or does blue not know of BuPont's portal ability?).

  7. Yeah, there is no way to edit the comments. You can edit a post, but not a comment. No need to apologize though!

  8. Blue definitely does know about the portal ability, the whole group was talking about it. I can neither confirm nor deny the rest of your speculations...

  9. I say lets go after whoever will taste better.

  10. @Ryan: Yes, you may be right there, maybe Corple is not a good choice for an ally. I agree that

    "if Corple is working toward the alien goal then he could possibly have wormhole technology(since the organic brain had it presumably without the mutation) or have knowledge of how it was created. If the powerful mutant we sent to another dimension was created by or working with Corple and Corple is working towards whatever goal the aliens had in mind then its possible that the mutant we sent away might be back, because if Corple is working for the aliens then I'd assume his first goal is to recontact the alien homeworld."

    So he is mutant-friendly but not friendly to the indigenous beings of our planet.

    But what can we do to stop him? I just don't see us taking him on in straight-out combat. Maybe we should initiate a twofold plan:

    1. Dataan uses his already-in-place spiderbots to attempt to discover what Corple is up to.

    2. Do as Ryan suggests and refurbish our equipment. We will need all the technological help we can get, regardless of which foe we pursue.

    This may just be my personal hobby-horse, but I still think the Knights are the first group we need to go after and DESTROY. They are intolerant fucks who have no business spreading their hate-mongering ways. Maybe if we take them down we can use their tech / knowledge to address the Corple problem.

    And what about the Ooh-Oh monks?

  11. If he had the tech to travel time shit would already be way more fucked up, and also he would just go back and tell the Oozies about the virus and they would never get fucked up in the first place, I'm sure he knows it exists but seriously doubt he is able to wield it especially to time travel and get that Alien fucker back. However maybe you hit on why he is kidnapping all these mutants maybe he is trying to find one who has a firm grasp on the Plane Shift mutation ?
