Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Earn Bonus Experience Here!

All right all you ragamuffins and mutant scavengers!  Every comment you make or post you add to via an edit earns you 100 XP!  Make a brand new (substantive) post and earn 500 XP!  And yes, you can level up between sessions this way!


 I would love to see recaps of sessions told from the point of view of your character.

I would also love to hear any thoughts you have about what day to day life in the Mutant Future is like - I have been mostly ignoring things like procuring food and water, but it would be cool to hear what you imagine your character is eating and drinking, what kind of clothes are being worn, etc.

This could also be a place where you post your back-up characters.

Make up mutant monsters (you can just describe the thing if you don't want to make game stats) - but beware!  I reserve the right to use your mutant creations against you!

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